Abridged Edition
This is the extended version of the Rumble video I made where I talk about how life is a literal video game, with 0 restarts, but a whole lot of possibility. In this extended edition, I will provide you with steps that you can take to maximize your life’s journey so that you can never be forgettable. And to have an exhilarating rest of your ride we call life.
Life is What You Make It
Understand that life is a consecutive cycle of micro-decisions you make. There is a ripple effect on the choices you make, and how you spend your time. Based on these decisions, they unconsciously navigate your world.
Quite often people consider the decisions they make in life and opt for the easier path. Instead of doing the laundry, you lay on the couch. Instead of working out, you decide to play video games. The pain of regret compounds over time like a superbug and magnifies the longer they are buried in your subconsciousness.
Your Character in The Video Game
You cannot choose the character you were born into. You are the avatar in this life until you expire. The video game is “Life”.
Knowing this, how will you progress?
The beauty of this video game called “Life” is that you can make decisions in this game that have a ripple effect on your entire life.
The people who progress better in this game are those who work on their strengths and have a singularity of focus. Those who consistently veer off the beaten path and have a wide range of knowledge will always lose in the short to mid-term to those who focus on one path.
Design Your Avatar
Imagine if you slept one night and woke up into a whole new world with an entirely new face. The kicker is that the face you now possess is simply grotesque. In your opinion, you now have the ugliest face in the world. But the bonus is that you were blessed with 10x hypertrophy potential and various other skills that you have to unlock over time.
With this entirely new life you now wield, you have the option to forge a new path with the potential you now possess and hidden unlocks that can only be attained with focus and strategic experience point acquisitions.
Others would crumble under the pressure. They will only focus on their weaknesses and as a result, not respect the strengths they possess. So they procrastinate.
Unlike those people, who crumbled under the weight of their weaknesses and lamenting on their “ugliness”, you focus on your strengths one at a time. You decide to focus on 1 key strength, and only until that one thing is mastered, did you parlay energy into other skill strengths. You do this consistently until all of your stats are maxed out. You enhance your weaknesses, but you don’t focus on them because it is not a key strength.
Hidden Quest: Sleeping Beauty - Unlock Your Hidden Potential
The Mission: Enhance your face and body
Focus 20% on your face and 80% on your body. Make considerable improvements in 7 days.
If you were given this assignment, what would you focus on first, and how would you distribute your energy and time across those focuses?
Logically, I am sure you would know what to do and how to do it, but oftentimes pressure and anxiety can get the better of you so you procrastinate. Does this sound familiar?
Focus less on the outcomes and more on micro-decisions by staying present. This is what I would do if I were in your shoes:
Because one of my strengths is now 10x hypertrophy gains, I would focus most of my energy on bodybuilding by customizing my body with exercise while eating proper nutrients to build it out. I do this by purchasing the 7x7x7 Workout Protocol in the scroll shop (free if subscribed to the newsletter) and following the instructions to a T.
Next, I would focus on enhancing my body with proper fitting attire and niche down on the avatar I want in life. Since I want to be a business casual type of person, I will focus on more business casual attire and stick with that for a long time.
Lastly, I would focus on ensuring that I enhance my “ugly” face with a proper haircut, trim all body hairs, and have a good skincare routine. But because it is a weakness of mine, I only enhance and focus less on it than my strengths. I enhance it over time in the long run with micro-decisions, but I don’t make it a priority. I focus on micro-gains daily rather than making huge changes overnight.
Choose 1 Class
Choose who you want to be in life and stay locked into that pathway for at least 5 to 10 years. This should be your focus and mindset going into life where you will only move into a different pathway until you have mastered the one you have chosen.
The Runescape Case-Study
If player 1 with 80 attack, defense, and strength were to duel against player 2 with 60 attack, 70 defense, and 100 strength; who would win? This is assuming that both players had the same armor and health.
More often than not, player 2 would win out against player 1 because the higher chance of critical hits would overwhelm the opponent.
This is because the critical hits of player 2 would far outweigh the most damage that player 1 would invoke. Further, player 2 would be using a power-advantaged weapon at level 100 whereas player 1 would be using a level 80 weapon of his choice (whether attack or power).
The Pokemon Case-Study

If a Charmander at level 70 were to face against a Charizard at level 64, who would win?
It would have to be the Charmander. This is because by delaying evolution, it levels up and learns higher-level skills faster. Despite it being less stalwart than the final-evolved form of Charizard, the higher skills and experiences it would have would overwhelm the novice Charizard. This is because when someone evolves a Pokemon too early, it levels up and learns advanced skills slower than if it were to delay gratification.
The power of specificity is better in the short to mid-term because it allows faster results in 1 domain of expertise. If one 1 domain is mastered, another can then be focused on. Whereas if a bunch of skills were well-rounded, learning and development speed would be slower in the short to mid-term, but better over the long run. However, time waits for no one and the potential would be lost since aging is a factor of life nobody can control. It is better to be a master of 1 than to be a jack of all trades.
Hidden Quests & Hidden Unlocks
Over time, you will have the opportunity to take on many of life’s challenges. Oftentimes, those “opportunities” will be carrots dangling on sticks that can derail you from the path you have chosen. You have hidden quests to pass or fail on, which will only make your resolve stronger and wiser over time. Pretty soon, your character will transform and unlock life’s hidden meanings and rewards. But it’s up to you to use your time and energy wisely. You have a hidden beauty that only you can choose to unlock. The path isn’t written in stone like a traditional video game, but you have to find it for yourself.
I am here to help. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and newsletter to unlock and surpass your genetic limitations.
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